Hi and welcome! My name is Princess Tafadzwa, not a title but my actual name. Welcome to my home on the internet. I cook, knit, crochet and write; I enjoy making things and sharing them with others
In 2009 I moved to Bermuda with my husband(Leo). I had so much free time I picked up knitting and crochet. I became good at it and have designed and written some patterns of my own. The first pattern I created was the Diagonal Stitch Blanket, people liked it and I decided to keep designing more.I have always known that I am a creative person by nature but blogging has made me realise I am happiest when I am making things. It could be anything really.
I like to cook especially Zimbabwean food. My recipes are as close as to how most people cook in Zimbabwe, with few ingredients and easy methods. My favourite meal is sadza, muboora and chicken.
I can not find most vegetables we eat in Zimbabwe regularly here in Bermuda so I container garden. I mostly grow herbs, mustard greens and pumpkin leaves. This year I even started growing my own flowers, they make me so happy.
In 2014 I had my son, Leo Tafadzwa. I am a full-time mom, so my life has changed in the last year. I now also blog about being a parent in a foreign country.
Since having Leo, I realised there are not any Shona baby books, so I became a children’s book author.
Both of these books are available as free e-books and on iTunes. They are also available to print form Blurb.
You can also find me on around the internet on
Hope you enjoy reading my blog as much as I enjoy writing it.