My dad thinks I am so unnecessary! He is quiet and simple. He can eat sadza and vegetables three times a day and he will be happy. We are complete opposites. After he told me how mbwirembwire is made, I told him I was going to experiment with it and all he could say was, Why?
I like to ruffle his feathers so I made porridge with mbwirembwire. This is my rebellion. Also, my parents used to say, “Wozoita izvozvo kumba kwako! (You will do that in your own house!)”, whenever I wanted to do something my way. So that is exactly what I am doing. Though to be honest I used to find my way to be different in their house.
Of course, they did not say it to be cruel a fact I only realise now as an adult. While we were not poor, my parents certainly could not afford extra food for me to try new recipes. I still try to make sure that we eat all the food that I cook even when the recipe does not go as planned. This recipe worked.
If you read my last post, I concluded that mbwirembwire is just roasted maizemeal. In that vein, I am going to try to use it like regular maize meal. Right off the bat, I noticed that mbwirembwire has a finer texture compared to maize meal almost like flour. This means making sadza will be challenging, I am gravitating towards a different method to what I usually do when I attempt to make sadza.
The porridge does not taste anything like I am used to with regular maize meal. It is toasty, as expected. Different yet familiar.
Here is the recipe I used:
Mbwirembwire porridge
- 1 cup water
- 1/4 cup mbwirembwire roasted maize meal
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- 1 tablespoon peanut butter optional
Boil 1 cup of water in a saucepan.
Blend the mbwirembwire (roasted maize meal) with a 1/4 cup of water.
Add the blended mbwirembwire (roasted maize meal) to the simmering water and stir until it starts bubbling.Cover pot and let it bubble for 5 minutes, however if the pot is bigger you will need to add more time.
Add the salt and peanut butter and stir. Reduce heat and let it bubble for ten minutes.
Scoop it into a serving bowl. Sweeten with sugar if you like it. Top with fruit, yogurt or nuts.