What a year 2020 has been so far. The lockdown, homeschooling and general uncertainty have me feeling overwhelmed. I have not really wanted to write or create for fun. I am happy with my container garden, one of the things that’s giving me joy in this crazy time.
One of the things that has happened in the last few weeks as more people have been at home is that a lot of people are searching for fatcooks and Japanese buns more than the usual numbers. I did not see that coming but makes sense especially the fatcooks since they are super fast and easy. It does make me happy that I am able to provide these recipes during this time.

I have had blueberry bushes on my mind lately and blueberries in general. Growing them, eating them and cooking with them. Leo loves Mazoe drinks from Zimbabwe more than any other brand we can find here, so from time to time I make him a squash from different berries. This time I made a drink with blueberries.

Blueberry Squash
- 2 cup water filtered
- 1 cup granulated sugar
- 12 ounce fresh blueberries rinsed
In a small saucepan add water and sugar and cook on medium-high heat until sugar dissolves. Add blueberries and bring to a boil. Lower heat to simmer. Simmer for 25 minutes.
Remove from heat and leave overnight to steep.
Next day strain syrup over a clean bowl. Discard fruit. Clean the saucepan or use another and place the syrup back in the pan. Simmer for an additional 15 minutes. Cool and strain into clean jars. Keep in refrigerator for up to 1 week.
Dilute with water in ratio 1:4 or as desired. Serve over ice if desired.