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Book Club Questions for The Rose Petal Beach by Dorothy Koomson

I picked up this book, “The Rose Petal Beach” by Dorothy Koomson at the thrift store. I have not heard about the author before this. I have read it, it is well written. I do not know if I enjoyed it because it made feel angry, sad and disappointment at the characters. It was more than I was looking for in a book. In that way it made it into one of the best books I have read yet.

Before I give anything away I will post the discussion question and allow you to read the book before I update it with my answers in a fortnight. I got these questions at the end of the book.

  1. Who was the character you identified with in the book? Why?

I identified with Tami, only as far as being a stay/work at home mum. I do what I have to do and it sometimes I appears to other people like I am super woman when I am not.

2.Who was the character you disliked the most? Why?

I hated Scott. He was a bad husband and father, a cheat, a liar and he forced himself onto a woman.

3.Why do you think Tami is so horrified by what Scott is accused of? Why do you think she was unsure as to whether he was innocent or guilty?

I think Tami loved her husband that made it difficult to believe any of what he was being accused of. Being married you think you know someone their faults and all. I can imagine many married women would never believe it if their husband was accused of being a rapist.

4.Do you think Tami is weak to have let Scott stay after what he confessed.

Though not as bad as being a rapist, Tami should not have let him stay when he admitted to cheating on her. Obviously it was difficult for her to let go of her marriage but I can not imagine how I would let my husband stay if he was cheating on me with my best friend.


5.Have you ever been betrayed like Scott betrayed Tami? If you have, did you react how you thought you would? If you haven’t,how do you think you would react?

No I haven’t and if I had been betrayed like that I don’t know if I would admit it here on the blog. I have no idea how I would react. I would probably be numb from the pain. Probably cry and feel sorry for myself. Then hate the people involved in destroying my life.

6.Were you shocked by what was revealed about Mirabelle and her life before she met Tami? Do you understand why Mirabelle kept her secrets for so long?

Yes! I can imagine that being gay especially in an African family would be difficult. Whether I feel it is right or wrong, I feel that it is hard for anyone in the LBGT community in many places. It must have been hard for not have anyone in her family to talk to her anymore or not see her daughter. My son is joined to my hip so her decision to leave her daughter was difficult for me to understand. I can imagine that revealing who or what she was would have had some consequences that she was not ready to deal with.

  1. What were Tami’s reasons for doing the things she does towards the end of the book? Do you think you could have done what she did?

Tami confronting Mirabelle’s killer probably not the wisest thing. It also felt abrupt. If it were me I would have gone to the other detective which probably would not have worked but I would have been scared.

Tami is a brave woman and has a big heart. She helped Beatrix when she was sick even though she had betrayed her.

  1. Do you think Tami and Scott could repair their relationship?

They probably will try to repair their relationship for the children. Honestly I think Tami should just divorce Scott because if it were me I would never be able to let go of what he had done. I would live my life waiting for the other shoe to drop and that would be a horrible life.

  1. How do Tami, Scott, Beatrix and Mirabelle change throughout the course of the book?

Tami stopped being a doormat.

Scott, I did not like him at all but I guess he did the right thing by confessing. ALthough I feel like he did it because Tami threw him out.

Beatrix only changed because she was found out otherwise I think she was delusional. I felt sorry for her when she got cancer but I at the same time I felt like it was Karma for what she did to her friend.

Mirabelle did not change and respected her for what she did to protect Tami’s children.

  1. What are the main themes of The Rose Petal Beach?


Sexual harassment



Lives of expat/migrant families



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