Time flies! I can not believe we are already in July. Looking at Leo’s pictures from January it is like looking at a completely different person now. It made me kind of sad that my mother did not get to see Leo the baby, she will get the bundle of energy that he is now.
At the start of every month, I look back at what I have done that month and critique myself. Holding yourself accountable to yourself is hard, especially when you feel like you are not in control of the outcome. I can control the frequency and quality of my blog posts but I have no control of what happens to them once I hit publish. I am happy with what I have done this year but I still have room to do better. When I feel good about what I have done, it gives me confidence to do more. Even better is someone else encouraging you. I am especially thankful to each and every person who reads my blog and those people who email me telling they like to read it. I blog because I enjoy it. Being able to teach someone else or motivate someone else is a bonus that I am thankful for.