My least favourite chore is grocery shopping. We don’t really have an affordable online solution here in Bermuda. If we did, I would never leave the house especially when its cold or hot. So, never!
My perfect world would involve me not leaving the house for anything, continuing to work from home, in and outside(gardening). I enjoy being alone
Last week I needed wanted a hamburger bun but I had forgotten to buy one the day before. We live fairly close to a supermarket that it would have taken much less time and effort to buy than to bake the buns. I chose to bake them and sharing with you how I did that.
This was before I baked them.
I based my recipe off the Japanese style buns and I loved them. Without factoring the energy cost, which I really haven’t figured how to, mine were cheaper than the store bought and the added advantage of knowing all the ingredients used. So it probably wasn’t such a bad idea after all not to leave the house.

Hamburger buns
- 4 cups bread flour
- 2 tablespoons sugar
- ¼ teaspoon salt
- 1 tablespoon active dry yeast
- 1 egg
- 1 cup milk
- 1/4 cup lukewarm water
- 3 tablespoon butter cubed
For Roux
- 2 tablespoon flour
- ½ cup water
To make the roux: Mix flour and water in a small pot and cook over low heat until paste reaches 65C. It will look like a thick paste, it will take about a minute. Remove from heat and allow to cool to luke warm temperature before using.
Mix the luke warm water and sugar and add the yeast. Allow the yeast to foam
Sift bread flour, all purpose flour and salt. Make a well and add one beaten egg, milk and the lukewarm roux. Mix lightly and gradually add the yeasty water to form a soft sticky dough. Knead the dough until its elastic.
Knead in butter until incorporated. Form the dough into a round and leave to prove in a greased bowl until its twice the size.
Punch down the dough, knead and form into small rounds and place into a greased tin and let them rise to double the size.
Beat an egg and brush the buns with the egg wash.
Bake in a preheated oven of 375F for 15 to 20 mins.