One of my favourite memories growing up is going kumusha(rural home) on a chicken bus. On a chicken bus you can take whatever you want on it including live chickens. There is nothing classy about it. The buses would stop at every shop and the drivers and conductors would have sadza for free. I think they had a deal with the shops that they would stop get a free meal and the passengers would buy from the shops. If we were lucky we would get some greasy chips on a khaki paper!
At these stops you also have vendors selling everything from hair accessories, razor blades, yarn, snacks and street food. The street food would range from cooked peanuts, bambara nuts, boiled corn and grilled corn. All cooked in suspect water but smelled absolutely delicious. The absolute worst is boiled eggs. I love boiled eggs but they do not always smell right. Now imagine all these smells together with some live animals, . When you get off the chicken bus you will have some aroma on you. It was a lot of fun and would do it again if I get the chance!
The only stree food I will buy when I am in Zimbabwe is chibage chakagochwa(grilled corn/maize). They make it for you while you wait.
There are only two ingredients corn and salt. The best time to visit my grandparents was in April because we would get grilled corn just before dinner. The adults would do it for us because the same fire that was used for making dinner would be the same that would be used to grill the corn. The corn will be slightly charred and best eaten while still warm. The corn we eat in Zimbabwe is firmer compared to what is eaten here. When my sister visited us she would not eat it.
I use a gas grill and it does a decent job.