It has been a while since I wrote on the blog. I did a lot more sewing and knitting in February than cooking which takes more time doing than writing. On the whole I feel good about the things I have done this year and I am learning a lot too.
My highlight in February is Leo”s birthday. It’s still cool that I make the food and cake. In a few year’s time that will be gone, he will probably prefer getting the money or going out with his friends. So I am making sure that I enjoy this time. I still can’t believe he is four and telling me he is a big boy. It feels like it as just a few months ago we took him home from the hospital! I feel like I will blink and he will be going to university or college.
To today’s post, I made mbwirembwire muffins. Basically this is chimodho but instead of plain maize meal I used mbwirembwire.
The muffins have a smoky flavour because of mbwirembwire. Which makes them absolutely delicious. And easy to make.
Mbwirembwire muffins