Last week was one of the worst for Zimbabwe. It was so heartbreaking on so many levels to see so many people die and get hurt in the hands of their fellow countrymen. Om some level I know what happened but at the same time it is like one extended nightmare and I am hoping to wake up from it. My distance only protects me physically; not knowing if my parents and the rest of family are ok is hell. As well as having to act like everything is ok when it
I have recipes I planned to share last week. I could not find the strength to it, it was hard enough to smile let alone be excited about a recipe. Hopefully I will be able to do it later this week.
I have read and heard that there are bread shortages. I have this collection of bread recipes I put together two years ago. So its nothing new. I want to share it with the hope that someone can use it. Like I have mentioned before I am not certain that its cheaper to make bread versus buying as yor energy costs maybe high. However you may already have the ingredients but without the patience to queue for bread. I will say though home made bread is more filling thn the store bought one which is filled with the air. So there is that.
You can download the booklet below o print and keep on your phone.