I can not think of any food that invokes bad memories for Zimbabweans in 2008 than samp. At that point the supermarkets were empty and the 2007 harvest had been bad so there were few options for food. The country ran short of everything except for samp and soya chunks.
I have not seen samp outside Southern Africa. Samp is made from maize and has the hull removed mechanically. Traditionally you would soak the maize and then grind in “duri” but now you can take the maize to the millers and they will do it for you. The most basic way to cook samp is to boil it in water and salt until the maize is tender. If you do it this way you can serve the samp as is, or with stew or milk. Different cultures will use samp differently, the Ndebele make a soup like dish with samp and melons. I will show you how to make samp with peanut butter.
Soak the samp in water overnight. Soaking cuts the cooking time.
Boil in water until tender. You may need to add more water.
Reduce the heat to low. Add the peanut butter and tablespoon of water and cover for five minutes
Stir in the peanut butter until well blended.
Cover for ten minutes and serve. This dish can be served hot or cold.

Manhuchu anedovi (Samp with Peanut Butter)
- 1 cup samp
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1 tablespoon peanut butter
Soak the samp in water overnight. Soaking cuts the cooking time.
Boil until tender
Reduce the heat to low. Add the peanut butter and tablespoon of water and cover for five minutes
Stir in the peanut butter until well blended.
Cover for ten minutes and serve. This dish can be served hot or cold.