Last week I was watching a video someone making pounded yams and the person mentioned how yams/cassava were popular in many African countries. In my head, I just said this is not true for Zimbabwe. I don’t know why they never became popular. Madhumbe or taro roots that are in the same family as yams are popular in the eastern part of the country. I am not sure if magogoya are the same thing.
I have never been a fan. I think it is because of the preferred method of preparation, just boiling them in water with salt, My mom loves them so there are a few breakfasts that I missed. My mom makes one dish per meal, take it or leave it!
Last week I decided to try mashing them and adding some seasoning to them, more than just salt. This was a good day where my idea actually worked! If you have ever eaten madhumbe you know they are sticky and as a child never liked the feeling. When you mash them, the stickiness goes away. Plus, always season your food folks! Makes such a difference.
In fact for this recipe, I just used a well-seasoned chicken broth and it did a good job.
Mashed madhumbe(taro root)
- 1 lb madhumbe peeled and coarsely chopped
- 3/4 - 1 cup chicken broth
- 2 tablespoon butter
- 1/4 cup milk
- salt and black pepper to taste
Put madhumbe and chicken broth in a saucepan. Bring to a boil, then cover and reduce heat to a simmer.
Cook for about 25 minutes or until very tender and easily pierced with a fork.
IStrain in a colander, then add to a large bowl.
Mash with a potato masher or hand mixer. Add milk, and butter.
Serve immediately and enjoy!