Happy new year!
At the beginning of the year, I usually share the post I did years ago on Grocery clubs/rounds but I am not sure this year the advice works especially for people in Zimbabwe. This year I put together a list of meals that I think are affordable and within reach to most people in Zimbabwe. January is hard for a lot of people owing to the holidays as well as the new school year. Even in better times in Zimbabwe January was hard.
While vegetables are inexpensive in Zimbabwe, if you have the space try growing your own. I have included making your own bread in this list, however depending on what you use to bake( gas or electric stove) it may not necessarily save you money. Just something to consider

Spinach, onion and tomato quiche with sadza crust

Dried Mushrooms in Peanut Butter Sauce

Munyemba(Cowpea Leaves) recipe

1 comment
I love your suggestions. Cant wait to try some of them.
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