I am a stay-at-home mum. It was never my plan to be a full time house wife and mum. Thirteen year old me would be surprised and give me a good talking to.
When we were growing up, the goal was to never be a stay-at-home mum. A stay-at-home mum was what you became because you were not educated and hence could not find employment. All you were good for was having children and taking care of them.
The working woman was what we strived for. She had her own money so was independent and she could buy herself whatever she wanted. The working woman could buy herself a car and go on holiday. If she had children then she could hire extra help. While this is true, we had a narrow minded view of what a stay-at-home mum actually does.
Having Leo gave me a rude awakening. I knew having children was a lot of work but I had no idea how much work it was and I only have one! Being a stay at home mum is a twenty four hour job. On a daily basis I repeat many small tasks. I sometimes wish for a 9 to 5 job where you can concentrate on one thing on a day. I wear many hats daily, including but not limited to a janitor, cook, waiter, driver, teacher, nurse and whatever else comes up that day.
It is not a thoughtless job that my younger self thought it would be. You have to be organised, manage your time and finances well as well as take care of yourself. You are of no use if you not feeling well!
I get so many different reactions from people when I tell them that I am a stay-at-home mum. Majority of the people think I have a ball of fun everyday. Some think I wasting my education and others think I am too lazy to work. The worst was when a schoolmate asked me what I would do if my husband left me one day. I honestly wanted to punch him.

Image from Family Cord
Being a stay-at-home mum means I use my education and skills in a different way. I learn new skills daily and read widely.
My husband is the greatest beneficiary in my being at home all the time. Everything is pretty much taken care of for him at home and he does not have to worry.
I do not compare myself to working mums. We are all where are in life either by choice or circumstance. Some people prefer being at home and some at work and others do not have a choice. I think what is important is to be happy with the life you have or the life you are trying to have.
Whatever you decide to do with your life you need to find balance and peace within yourself with your decision.
The reward for a stay at home mum is PRICELESS. It can never be measured to monetary value; as indeed their is no price in the work you do minute by minute and day by day. Though I was one for a short while, it’s the best job I ever did.
That is so true.
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