When we were growing up my father would buy one herd of cattle for meat with three other people. It would then be slaughtered and shared among the four families. This would guarantee that we would have beef for as long as six months. To discourage us from wasting the meat, on the day he would buy the meat he would allow us to have as much as we wanted. It worked because for the next couple of weeks we really did not care for it. Any kind of meat is considered a luxury in most households in Zimbabwe especially in the cities because it is expensive there and in the rural areas people lack refrigeration.
I was thinking about my mom a lot this week. I miss her so much. When I miss her I cook the food that she used to prepare for us. My mom’s method of cooking is simple, inexpensive and tasty. When I was in high school I wished she knew how to cook more sophisticated dishes but now I see the genius of her methods. She would make these steak bites for us when my father gave us the meat to eat as we pleased.
The only thing I added that my mom did not use in this recipe is Worcestershire sauce but everything else is the same.
Look for beef that does not have a lot of fat or trim the fat. Cut the meat into very small pieces. Add one teaspoon of Worcestershire sauce and salt and pepper to taste to the beef.
Melt 1 tablespoon of butter in a skillet on medium high heat. Add the beef and brown it.
Serve immediately.

- 1 tablespoon butter
- 1 lb beef
- 1 teaspoon worcestershire sauce
- salt and pepper
Look for beef that does not have a lot of fat or trim the fat. Cut the meat into very small pieces. Add one teaspoon of Worcestershire sauce and salt and pepper to taste to the beef.
Melt 1 tablespoon of butter in a skillet on medium high heat. Add the beef and brown it.
Serve immediately.