This has to be the longest break I have taken from writing on this blog since I started blogging. 2020 has not been kind to all of us and for people really close to me. Writing gives me joy and I hope to spread that joy to others and I feel like when I am sad it shows. While its human to feel sad it would show in anything I shared. It feels better but as we prepare for the third hurricane this year, I just want 2020 to be over really.
I had planned to share this derere (okra) recipe in February but kept putting it off. I actually would buy derere and then end up cooking ad eating without sharing it. Personally, I love derere in all the ways I have tried it! Have you tried it raw? It is crunchy and sweet.
A lot of people do not like the slimy consistency of derere which makes this stir-fried derere perfect for them. One of the drawbacks of the traditional way to cook derere is that it makes it difficult to serve it with anything else other than sadza. This recipe makes it easier to serve it with a lot of different things and also provide your variety in meals if you grow your own derere.

Stir-fried derere(okra)
- 1 tablespoon canola oil
- 1 onion
- 1 teaspoon garlic
- 1 teaspoon crushed ginger
- 1 teaspoon curry powder
- 10 fingers okra cut diagnonally
- salt and pepper
In a skillet on medium heat add the canola oil and saute onions for 5 minutes.
Add garlic, ginger and curry powder and stir.
Add cut okra and stir for about five minutes. Season with salt and pepper.
Serve immediately.